Our Mission, Vision, Values

Our Mission:

To provide impartial assistance through advocacy, mediation, conciliation, and reconciliation for the benefit of all disabled and disadvantaged people, thus enabling everyone, as far as possible, to live an equal independent, and inclusive life.

To advise and help in the settlement of differences or potential differences over matters such as, quality of life, involvement, inclusion, trust, disengagement, planning, preparation, development, personal finance, social welfare, access to facilities and transport.

To promote the removal of all social barriers, so that all disabled people are not simply judged by the extent of their impairments or differences and can become independent and equal in society, with choice and control over their own lives.

Our Vision:

Our vision is of an inclusive and unbiased world that values all disabled and disadvantaged people as equals and actively enables and celebrates their contribution to society.

Our Values:

Our work is guided by our belief and commitment to a culture of equality, inclusivity, involvement, diversity, fellowship, and cooperation whilst striving for excellence through continuous improvement.

We fully recognise and respect the contribution of individuals, parents, families, carers, volunteers, communities, professionals, donors, sponsors, suppliers, facility providers, contractors, and investors.
